
수강기간 중 영어로 일기 또는 자유로운 글을 작성해 주세요.
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제목 I didn't remind what is 'overcome'! 등록일 2024-01-02
내용 I know a word 'overcome' but I didn't remind the mean suddenly.. After the call, I reminded the mean of the word, I underatood why you were difficult to explain about this word. If I were you, I also couldn't explain it. I have been trying to learn more words, but it's hard using learned words when I speak. So I usually use well-known words. I have to find another way to use new words that I study.
By the way, the answer about 'What did you do to overcome?' is 'I couldn't anything, so I just tried to learn overall process myself. But it's not mean the coworkers were unkind.'
담당강사 Lynda 등록일 2024-01-04
첨삭 내용

Hello, Jini~ 

It is so impressive as to how you diligently show your willingness to learn and improve more. Keep it up!~ That's an awesome attitude in learning new things in life.~ ^^ 
