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제목 Have you ever used ChatGPT? 등록일 2024-01-06
내용 I have been using the ChatGPT since a few month ago, I felt it is smart and pretty strange. It can be whoever like firends and helpers, but I think it's too much talker. When I ask "What's your favorite color?", it says "I'm not human, so I don't have my own opinion. But there are countless colors. Red, yellow, orange..." It seems like a friend never stop speaking. And it's pretty burdensome because it always questions my thoughts at the end of its reply. So I'm busy to understand its answer and to speak my thoughts or opinions. After chattering with it, I feel my soul out of my head.
담당강사 Lynda 등록일 2024-01-09
첨삭 내용


I have heard about it but I haven't tried using it. I'll give a try.~ ^^ 

Anyway, I laughed as to how you describe ChatGPT~~~ kkkkk~~~ I suddenly remember my older sister, whenever we meet she also talks soooooo much.~ kkkk~~~ 



I have been using the ChatGPT since a few month ago

Correction: I have been using the ChatGPT few months ago

It can be whoever like firends and helpers, but I think it's too much talker.

Correction: It can be whoever like friends or helpers, but, I think it talks a lot. 

It seems like a friend never stop speaking. 
Correction: It seems like a friend who never stops talking. 

 So I'm busy to understand its answer and to speak my thoughts or opinions. 
Correction: So I get busy understanding its reply and as to how I would express my thoughts or opinions. 

After chattering with it, I feel my soul out of my head.
Correction: After chatting with it, I feel my soul leaves my head. 
