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제목 presentation 2 등록일 2021-10-13
내용 After Covid-19 hit the world, we Pakistan was put in a desperate situation where the lives of our citizens were at stake too.
we would like to support Afghan refugees. but unfortunately the covid-19 pandemic has aggravated the crisis.

Amid this crisis, if we have to accept more refugees, we urgently need the monetary aid from supportive countries.

In 2016 when the turkish government accepted 4 million refugees form Syria, they received almost 7 billion dollars. 4 yeas later, when the turkish government called for the additional monetary support, no country was willing to support them.
담당강사 Gem_AM 등록일 2021-10-14
첨삭 내용

Since Covid-19 pandemic hit the world, Pakistan was put in a desperate situation where the lives of our citizens were at stake too.
We would like to support Afghan refugees. but unfortunately this pandemic has aggravated the crisis.

Amidst this situation, accepting more refugees necessitates our need for monetary aid from supportive countries.

In 2016, when the turkish government accepted 4 million refugees form Syria, they received almost 7 billion dollars and 4 yeas later, when the Turkish government called for the additional monetary support, no country was willing anymore to support them.
