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제목 A word that I wanted to tell in last class was 'nice'. 등록일 2023-10-28
내용 Last time, when we talking about what person I like, a word that I wanted to tell is 'nice'. I thought there is a particular word that I want to express. I wanted to tell the word that helping the people or understanding someone made mistakes. There is a word to express it Korea, but there isn't an exact word in English. I knew 'nice' is used like "Your style is nice" or "This shoes are nice". I thought there is a word to express kind as angle. I felt I need to study more words. Also vocabulary..
담당강사 Lynda 등록일 2023-11-01
첨삭 내용


Oh I see~ ^^ No worries.~ ^^ I understand. It's not easy to gather complex terms or expressions, but in due time, I am sure you will be able to express your self fluently.~ ^^ 



When we were discussing who I like, I mentioned the term 'nice'. I thought of a specific word that I wanted to express. I wanted to spread the idea that people made mistakes when it came to helping others or understanding others. There is a word for it in Korea, but there isn't one in English. I knew the word 'nice' was used in phrases like "Your style is nice" or "These shoes are nice." I thought there was a word for kindness called angle. I had the impression that I needed to study additional words. In addition, vocabulary.
