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제목 writings 2 등록일 2021-10-07
내용 I can turn my weakness into the strength of thorough planning.
In this study, building big data took more time than expected. In order to complete data collection at a given time, we set a new direction to refine the collection criteria to exclude extensive or unnecessary data. Thanks to this direction, we were able to build data within the estimated time, and it could be applied to modeling without secondary classification, reducing the modeling time.
Three years ago, I went to the Czech Republic as an exchange student. Czech University had a cooperative relationship with the civil engineerin
담당강사 Allie2 등록일 2021-10-07
첨삭 내용

I can turn my weakness into the strength of thorough planning. ===> I believe I can turn my weakness into strength in terms of thorough planning. 
In this study, building big data took more time than expected. In order to complete data collection at a given time, we set a new direction to refine the collection criteria to exclude extensive or unnecessary data. Thanks to this direction, we were able to build data within the estimated time, and it could be applied to modeling without secondary classification, reducing the modeling time.
Three years ago, I went to the Czech Republic as an exchange student. Czech University had a cooperative relationship with the civil engineerin===> The Czech University had a cooperative ties with the civil engineering department of our school. 
