
수강기간 중 영어로 일기 또는 자유로운 글을 작성해 주세요.
담당 강사가 직접 교정을 해 드립니다.

제목 Hello~ 등록일 2021-09-30
내용 Thanks for your quick reply.

I think this letters help me to improve for english skils.

Korean study english from young.
But there are not efficient than than time.

I hope to get high enhlish speaking ability.
I know that i need to study for more time with grammer, vocabulary, pronunciation.

Do you have studied other language?
How long time that you get high level?
What is most difficult points?
Did you get some know how ?

I will have the customer audit time at this friday.
I should speak english on audit.
Pls advice me.

This is last day at September.
Thanks for your support.

담당강사 mandela1usa 등록일 2021-10-02
첨삭 내용

Thanks for your quick reply.

I think these letters will help me improve my english skills.

Koreans study english since they were young.
But they're not efficient.

I hope to get my English speaking ability high.

I know that i need to study more grammer, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

Have you studied any other languages?
How long does it take to get a high level?
What are most difficult points?
Did you get some help ?

I will have the customer audit this friday.
I should speak english in the audit.
Pls give me advice.

This is last day of September.
Thanks for your support.

